Paul Kitchen, Director, Milton Keynes

BRI – Help and advice – All part of their service!

BRI Business Recovery and Insolvency in Milton Keynes have for many years been friends of ours. There are days when you could meet Tom at a networking breakfast, Peter at lunch, and Jean at tea time. Only when you have an issue which is out of your control, do you really understand the value of knowing these professionals well enough that you feel you can pick up the phone, and ask for some help and advice.

We recently spent time with another business chum, who was at her wits-end trying to deal with a complicated situation involving an insolvency practitioner, caused by others, which was way outside of her knowledge base, and it was looking like she was going to have to “do as she was told”, and that was that! (You know the type of situation – grrrrrr) Feeling she wasn’t going to get the best outcome all on her own, I called Peter and explained all.

Now wouldn’t it just make the best story ever, if what happened next was that Peter listened to my ramblings, and said “leave it with me”, that he then went off and called the other side, added some good old-fashioned common sense to proceedings, and then came back with an infinitely acceptable answer to make the whole thing go away! No solicitors, no nasty-grams, no pain.

That, is exactly what happened!

Wind forward to today, the situation has now gone away, she is now better placed to avoid the same happening to her again, and Peter and his team know us and her better as a result, in-fact only yesterday Tom passed us a contact who needs to buy exactly what it is we do best. Win!

This really is a testament not only to how networking in Milton Keynes really does add value to your business, but how having personal contacts, and friends, in BRI particularly, can really change a bad day in to a good day!

Thank you Peter, you made a difference.