
Here you will find news articles written by BRI Business Recovery and Insolvency, where we share our expertise and insights.

July 2, 2024

As insolvency practitioners we not only provide advice but also provide support for our clients so it was great to hear the following from a director for whom we carried out a solvent liquidation and informed her that the liquidation and our work had concluded.

“That’s great! Thank you for the continued and always very prompt support during the liquidation process.”

The director was originally from France and so English was not her first language and therefore needed a little extra support to help her with understanding the procedures and processes we were required to follow during the MVL process.  We recognise the work we do on daily basis is unknown territory for clients, so going the extra mile to talk them through each step, without the technical jargon, is always appreciated by our clients and reassures them we are here to support at every stage of the process.

Should you wish to read a bit more about the MVL process, please click on the link below or just give the BRI team a call.


June 11, 2024

“Thank you for the great service”, Director & Shareholder of a company in an MVL

BRI were appointed liquidators of a company in a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (“MVL”) in March 2024 whereby we have received a heart-warming testimonial from the director and shareholder of the company, highlighting the great service that BRI has provided to him.

This is something to which everyone at BRI prides themselves on; giving a great level of service to clients in a professional, timely and efficient manner. To receive recognition for the high level of service we provide is something to which we will always be grateful for and one which we will always look to highlight to everyone both inside and outside of the firm. Ultimately, this is why BRI are regarded so highly in the Midlands as we are consistently referred clients from accountants, solicitors, finance lenders, business advisors and even by directors and shareholders we have dealt with previously.

“I will highly recommend you to my friends”

Following on from above, the sentence above was also received in the same testimonial and is very rewarding to hear from a client.

At BRI, each and every case is allocated a case manager and administrator so that the lines of communication between the client and BRI is easy and concise. The two involved on this case should be very proud that the director has shown his appreciation for making his MVL journey a smooth and efficient one.

What is an MVL?

An MVL is a liquidation process for a solvent company whereby the shareholders wish to wind-up the company’s affairs whilst receiving the cash and/or assets remaining in the company after all debts have been paid in, ordinarily, a more tax efficient way than just receiving dividends.

If you are interested to know more information on the process please get in contact for a free and without obligation consultation.

September 30, 2021

I must say you and your colleagues have been a pleasure to work with over the years.  I have yet to meet an insolvency business better than yours and you remain my preferred contact.  Given the service you have provided I am sure you have been successful to date and I wish you the very best moving forward.

January 20, 2021

I will always remember how much your advice helped me and how, without BRI, I would have been at the mercy of the insolvency sharks unnecessarily. I am truly grateful to BRI for saving me that misery at such a shocking time. You were heroic!

October 16, 2020

Your advice and time today was of great comfort and clarity; I know ultimately we must take decisions on what happens to the business but we always like to know where we stand, good or bad and you have provided the information we needed

September 5, 2019

I would certainly recommend your company – the professionalism that was shown, in what is not a nice time for anyone, made it so much easier for me to understand and comprehend.  You really did make a difference in this process for me and I can’t thank you enough.

September 5, 2019

I would have no hesitation in recommending BRI Northampton – they are a truly a great team of people who fully understand how best to deal with every situation in a friendly and professional manner from start to finish.

May 13, 2019

If you still want/need an MVL then I can recommend a firm for this. The insolvency world is a murky one: this firm is both innovative (you’ll probably find them suggesting the alternatives I’ve outlined above before they do you an MVL and claim their charges) and honest. We get no commission or similar from […]