Golf Days: And the final 9 are …

June 10, 2021

10 June 2021: A fantastic day at our 3 golf days yesterday; plenty of sunshine, ‘normal’ face-to-face networking and an array of lost golf balls. Hopefully all of those who attended enjoyed themselves as much as we did and we thank everyone involved for helping in making the day on each course so great.

Anyway back to the important stuff – the top 3 point scorers from each region yesterday (Northamptonshire, Coventry and Milton Keynes) have been invited to attend the Masters equivalent of Golf Networking competitions; the BRI Winners Golf Day on 23 June 2021, where they will compete to win the prestigious trophy as pictured yesterday.

The 9 who have qualified for 23 June 2021 are as follows:

David Turner – Northamptonshire ‘regional champion’
Tom Low
Andrew Dyte
Steve Harcourt – Coventry ‘regional champion’
Simon Newbold
Paul Grundy
Luke Tillison – Milton Keynes ‘regional champion’
Steve Wilson
Rob Kelly

Congratulations to all of those above and we look forward to seeing you on 23 June.

Again, thank you to everyone who attended, it was great to safely see you all.