Die? That’s the last thing I’ll do!

April 13, 2022

13 April 2022: Being a director of a small company, especially where you are the sole director, can be a very lonely place. Imagine, then, how lonely it would be for whoever has to step in should you die. Not a nice subject to contemplate but pertinent for the small business owner nevertheless.

When working you always considered that your business was your pension and that it would look after you and your loved ones after you finally called it a day. But what if you don’t get to choose the date of your departure?

At BRI we are often confronted with a situation that could have been provided for but wasn’t. News Flash: We are all, at some point, going to die. Death and taxes etc. It’s one of the certainties. Why then do we not plan for it?

If you fail to plan, plan to fail. If you want the value of your business to survive the trifle that is your passing, put provisions in place. If your life partner has left on an earlier bus than expected – give us a call, bring a copy of any wills and business documents and we will do what we can to sort out what, normally, is referred to as a buggers muddle.

Our ability to do this derives from experience of having dealt with many similar situations during which, despite the humour above, we have handled with care those who are grieving in order to help resolve the difficulties faced dealing with the business of the departed. A directorship and shareholding to manage can seem yet another heavy burden following the passing of a loved one but we can and will assist wherever possible in such circumstances.

BRI, providing the best advice to prospective clients, living and dead, irrespective of the outcome for ourselves.